Advertising with us could not be easier. This is the best way for people in our area and new comers to find out what's happening and how to locate you. Our rates are affordable and we are listed on all the major search engines. Simply fill out the form below and we'll contact you.
Directory Listing -
Main Page advertisement -
Sponsor A Page -
Have your web site linked from our site -
See Below
$240.00 Yearly (20.00 a Month)
$30.00 Year ($2.50 a Month) or purchase an ad or sponsorship.
Our rates are as follows:
I would like to:
Please Contact Me:
Advertising Terms and Conditions
Directory Listing
This is a free service to any business or organization within the Tattnall / Evans county area.
Main Page Advertisement
Advertise on the main page so new comers and current residents can see your support and also see any specials for the month. Advertisements run for a period of one month or can be purchased yearly. Advertisements can be updated on a monthly basis.
Sponsor a Page
Every page on this site needs a sponsor. 50% of the sponsorship supports the welcome center and the city museum. Both which are operated by volunteers.
Mail Your Event or Announcement out to the Mailing List
This service is provided to keep everyone in Glennville informed of an event or announcement you may have. Send out church revivals, special concerts, pageant information, special meetings, recreation department updates, yard sales, car washes, and etc. This service is not be used for the selling of items.
If you currently have a Web site and would like to have it linked from You can do so at the rate listed above. If you have purchased any one of our other services and the account is current, this service is free.
We reserve the right to refuse any or all of these services.